Jim's book corner library
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1066 and All that
158-pound marriage
1982 (avec study)
2 critical studies
2 Critical Studies
2 critical studies
20 stories
3 critical editions
3 critical studies
3 critical studies
3 short novels The Spotted Horses The Old Man The Bear
36 Children
84 Charing Cross Road
A Bend in the River
A Biography
A Biography by Alvarez
A Bird in the House
A Bit of French Air
A Bit off the Map and other stories
A Box of Matches
A Boy in Your Situation
A Burnt Out Case
A Carton
A Casebook a selection of critical essays on Volpone
A certain Justice
A Certain Smile
A Change for the Better
A Change of CFlimare
A city of bells
A Clear Conscience
A Clockwork Orange
A Closed Eye
A Closed Eye
A Companion To the Cantos
A confederacy of dunces
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Confrontation in the Desert
A Critical Anthology
A Critical Study
A Critical Study
A Cure for all Diseases
A Dangerous Fortune
A Deadman in Deptford
A Dedicated Man
A Definitive Collection
A dream of red Mansion
A Dubious Legacy
A Dustbin of Milligan
A Dylan Thomas Treasury
A Fair Maiden
A Fairly Honourable Defeat
A Family and a Fortune
A Family Romance
A Family Romance
A Famine Of horses
A far cry from Kensington
A Farewell to Arms
A fatal inversion
A Fool's Alphabet
A Friend from England
A Friend of the Family
A Friend of the Family
A Game of Hide and Seek
A Gift from Nessus
A Girl In Winter
A Grue of Ice
A Gull On the Roof
A Gun For Sale
A handful of dust
A high wind in Jamaica
A History of the English Speaking Peoples volume 1
A History of the World in 10 and a half chapters
A House for Mr. Biswas
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
A Judgement in Stone
A Legacy of Spies
A Libertine
A lie of the mind
A Life in Secrets: The story of Vera Atkins and the lost agents of Soe
A Long the Riverrun
A maggot
A Man and Two Women
A Masterpiece of Corruption
A Meeting by the River
A Memoir of
A Midsummer Night's Dream and study
A Midsummer Night's Dream bilingual
A Mind to Murder
A Misalliance
A Modern Comedy
A Month in the Country
A Moveable Feast
A Murder of Quality
A Pagan Place
A Painful Case and The Dead
A Passionate Man
A Patchwork Planet
A Perfect Matcg
A Perfect Spy
A Piece of my Heart
A Place Called Freedom
A Pocketful of Rye
A Portrait of Jane Austen
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A prayer for Owen Meany
A Preface to Milton
A Prisoner Of Birth
A Private View
A Proper Marriage
A propos de Dolores
A prospect of the sea
A Question of Blood
A Quiet Flame
A Quiet Life
A reader
A Rhetoric of the Unreal
A Ripple from the Storm
A Rival Creation
A Room of one's own
A room with a view
A Rose for Winter
A Scandalous Woman
A Sea of Troubles
A Search For the King
A Second Life
A selection
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy
A Severed Head
A Shortened History of England
A Shropshire lad
A Shropshire Lad
A Sight For Sore Eyes
A Simple Plan
A sport of nature
A Start in Life
A Streetcar named Desire (+ The Glass Menagerie + Suddenly last Summer)
A study
A Study
A Study
A study
A study
A Study
A Study by Bamborough JB
A Study by Charles Carrington
A Study by Geoffrey Rans
A Study by Paul Ferris
A Study by Roger Asselinas
A Study in Scarlett
A Study of John Donne
A Study On Fielding
A study on Gastby and Tender is the Night
A Study on George Eliot
A suitable boy
A Summer Bird Cage
A tale of 2 cities
A Thing or Two about Curtis and Camilla
A Thousand Acres
A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain
A Town like Alice
A Trap for Fools
A treatise of human nature
A Tree grows in Brooklyn
A Tree On Fire
A Vicious Circle
A View of the Harbour
A Village Affairs
A Walk in the Woods
A Week in December
A Widow's Story
A Woman of the People
A Woman's essays
A wonder book
A Word Child
A Working Life
A World of Love
A wreath of roses
A Year in Provence
A Year in the Merde
Aaron's Rod
About a Boy
About the Lawrence family
Absalom Absalom
Accomplice of Love
Aches and Pains
Acid Row
Acqua Alta
Across the River and Into The Trees
Adam Bede
Add a Dash of Pity
After Julius
After the Fall
After You'd Gone
Agents of Innocence
Ah Wilderness and other plays
Air and Angels
Alan Grant
Alice in Wonderland
All aboard for Arafat
All Around the Town
All Fur Coat
All I really need to know I learned in the kindergarten
All Passion Spent
All Things Wise and Wonderful
Almayer's Folly and Tales of Unrest
Almost an Englishman
Almost Paradise
American Pastoral
American Tabloid
Amities Mortelles
Amity and Sorrow
Among the Russians
Amusing Ourselves To Death
An Academic Question
An Accidental Man
An Advanced English Reader
An American Dream
An American Tragedy
An artist of the floating world
An Autobiography
An Autobiography: A Backward Glance
An Echo of Murder
An Experiment in Love
An Ice Cream War
An Imaginative Experience
An Imperfect Spy
An Indian day
An Introduction to Troilus and Criseyde
An Old Woman's Reflections
An Only Child and My Father's Son
An Unofficial Rose
An unsuitable Job for a Woman
Ancestral vices
And A Voice to Sing With
Angels and Demons
Angels and Insects
Anger and After
Anglo Saxon Attitudes
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes
Anna Karenina
Another Part of the Wood
Another You
Anthony and Cleopatra
Any Human Heart
Any Old Iron
Arlington Park
Arms and the Man
Arnold and the Betrayal of Language
Arnold the Poet as Humanist
Arrow of God
Arthur and George
As I lay Dying
Aspects of the novel
Asta's book
At Bertram's Hotel
At Home with the Marquis de Sade
At Mrs Lyppincote's
At Swim Two Birds
At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances
Atlantis of the Sands
Attitude is Everything
Au Fil du Temps
August is a Wicked Month
Author Author
Azur Like It
Back to Methuselah
Bad Blood
Bad Love
Barcelona Plates
Barchester towers
Barry Lyndon
Bartleby the Scrivener
Battle Cry
Be My Enemy
Beastly Murder
Beatrice Falling
Beau Geste
Beautiful Losers
Beckett (Cahiers de l'Herne)
Beckett (Ecrivains de toujours)
Before She Met Me
Beggar's opera (+ critical edition)
Behind the Green Curtains
BELL Quentin: Woolf Volumes I and II
Ben Hur
Best Ghost Stories
Betty Zane
Between the Acts
Beyond the Glass
Beyond the Rock
Billy Budd and other stories
Birds of a Feather
Black and Blue
Black Boy
Black Dogs
Black Eagle
Black Money
Black Notice
Blackberry Wine
Blake (U2 Armand Colin)
Blandings Castle
Bleak House (avec notes)
Bleeding hearts
Blessed are the Cheesemakers
Blessings in disguise
Blind Eye to Murder
Bliss and other stories
Blood Sympathy
Blood Test
Bobby Dazzler
Body of Evidence
Body of Evidence
Body of Evidence
Bones and Silence
Bonjour Tristesse
Book of Brotherhood
Book of the Dead
Border Music
Brave New World
Brazzaville Beach
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breakfast with the Nikolides
Breathing Lessons
Bri Think America Think
Brideshead revisited
Bridget Jones's Diary
Brief Lives
Brief Lives
Brighton Rock
Brother and Sister
Brother of the Famous Jack
Bruno's Dream
Buddha Da
Buffalo Women
Burger's Daughter
Burning Bright
Cadillac Jukebox
Cahiers de l'Arc
Caleb Williams
Call it sleep
Call of the Wild
Canterbury Tales
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Captain Courageous
Captain Courageous
Captain Scott
Cargo of Eagles
Carry on Jeeves
Carson Valley
Case Histories
Cass Timberlane
Cassidy's Girl
Casualties of Peace
Catch 22
Cause of Death
Cause of Death
Céline en chemise brune
Cet Instant Là
Changing Places
Charlotte Gray
Childhood youth and Exile
Chile's Road to Socialism
Chilly Scenes of Winter
Christmas at Candleshoe
Chronicle of a death foretold
Cider with Rosie
Circle of friends
City of Glass
City of Spades
City of the horizon
Civil to Strangers
Clarissa volume 4
Clementine Churchill
Cleopatra's Sister
Closing Timer
Cock and Bull
Cold comfort farm
Cold Mountain
Collected Plays volume 1
Collected Plays Volume 1
Collected Poems
Collected Poems
Collected Poems
Collected Poems
Collected Short Stories
Collected Short Stories
Collected Stories
Collected Works (vol 1)
College of One
Colloque de Cerisy
Come Together
Complete poems
Complete Poems
Complete poems
Complete poems and ballads
Complete Works
Complete Works
Complete Works
Complete Works
Complete Works and Plays
Concerto à la mémoire d'un ange
Concerto To The Memory Of An Angel
Confessions of an English opium eater
Configuration: critique de Styron
Conjugal Love
Connaissance de L'enfer
Cool for Cats
Copper Kingdom
Coriolanus a study
Cork Street Next to Hatter
Corridors of power
Cotton comes to Harlem
Country Girl
Cover to Cover
Crampton Hodnett
Crime and Punishment
Critical editions
Critical essays
Critical studies
Cruel and Unusual
Crump Folk Going Home
Crusader's Tomb
Crusoe's Daughter
Cry The Beloved Country
Cry Wolf
Culture and Anarchy
Daisy Miller
Dan Lenox and the Limehouse Golem
Dancing Girls
Danger Point
Dangerous Journey
Dangling Man
Daphne Du Maurier
Darkness Take My Hand
Daughter of Silence
Daughter of the Dales
Daughter of the Dales
Daughters of a Copper Woman
David Copperfield
David Copperfield
Dead Cut
Dead or Alive
Dead Sexy
Dead Souls
Deaf Sentence
Dear Me
Dear Me
Death in a Cold Print
Death in Holy Orders
Death in the Afternoon
Death Lights a Candle
Death of a Hero
Death of a Salesman
Death of an Expert Witness
Death on the Nile
Death Without Company
Deceived with Kindness
Deception Point
Decline and Fall
Deep water
Democracy in America 2 volumes
Démons et Merveilles
Desire Under the Elms
Desolation Island
Devil in the Flesh
Devil May Care
Devil's Waltz
Devon Holiday
Digging to America
Dirty Tricks
Doctor In Clover
Doctor Thorne
Doctors on the brain
Doctors on toast
Doctors in the house
Doll's Eyes
Dombey and Son
Don Juan
Don't Get Me Wrong
Don't Knock the Cornerd off
Double Identity
Down Among the Women
Down and Out in Paris and London
Down From the Hill
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Dreams of Living
Drop City
Dubin's Lives
Dumb Witness
Earthly Powers
Earthly Powers
Eat Pray Love
Eating People Is Wrong
Eats Shoots and Leaves
Edith's Diary
Edmund Campion (Biography)
Edward the 2nd
Elephant Song
Elisabeth & Mary
Eminent Victorians
Emma (avec critical edition)
Emotionally Weird
Emperor of the Air
Empire of the Sun
Ending Up
Enduring Love
Enghlish Saga
England Half English
English and Scottish Ballads
English humourists + the 4 Georges
English Journey
English Music
Entertaining Mr. Sloane
Essays and Poems
Essays and poems
Essays on Literature and Ideas
Esther Waters
Ethan Frome
Etruscan Places
Eve Green
Even Money
Evening Class
Every Good Boy Deserves Favour
Every Man for Himself
Every Woman For Herself
Everything you always wanted to know about Woody Allen
Ex Libris Carissimis
Exit Lines
Exit Music
Expecting Someone
Fair Stood the Wind for France
Fairy tales and Stories
Fall From Grace
Fall On Your Knees
Falling Slowly
Family and Friends
Fantasies of the Unconscious and Psychoanalysis of the Unconscious
Fantastic Voyage
Far from the Madding Crowd
Fatal Cure
Feather Boy
Felix Holt
Fer de Lance
Fifty Shades of Grey
Finnegan's Wake
Fire under the Snow
Fire Under the Snow
Fires in the Dark
First Love Past Rites
First Person Singular
Five Days
Flaubert's Parrot
Fleshmarket Close
Flowering Wilderness
Fly Away Peter
Folk Tales of Yorkshire
For Esmé with love and squalor
For Whom the Bells Toll
Foreign Affairs and Other Stories
Forever Freedom
Fortunes of War
Found in the Street
Foundation and Empire
Four Adventurers
Four Frightened people
Four Letters Of Love
Framley parsonage
Franny and Zooey
Free Fall
Friday Nights
From First to Last
From Potter's Field
Frost in May
Funerals in Berlin
Funny but not Vulgar
Funny Girl
Future Home of the Living God
Gather Together in My Name
Gatsby a study
Gazeteers of Scottish Ghosts
Gentleman and Ladies
Gentlemen and Players
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
George Gershwin A Biography
Getting it Right
Ghost Stories
Ghost stories
Ghosts and An Enemy of the People and Warrios at Helgeland
Giacomo Joyce
Gideon's Wrath
Giles Goat-Boy
Ginger you're barmy
Go Tell it on the Mountain
God Bless You Mr Rosewater
God on the Rocks
God's Little Acre
Goetz de Berlichingen
Going Back
Going Home
Going Out
Golden Treasury
Golfing for Cats
Gone Baby Gone
Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone to earth
Gone With the Wind
Good as Gold
Good Wives
Goodbye to all that
Goodbye to Berlin
Goodbye, Columbus
Gorky Park
Grace Notes
Gracie Lindsay
Grahame Greene: a study by David Pryce Jones
Grand Jury
Granite Island
Grantchester Grind
Great Expectations
Great Short Works Of Henry James
Greek Poetry
Greenery Street
Grey area
Gulliver's travels
Guppies for Tea
Guy Domville
Guzman Go Home
Half moon street
Hamlet et Panurge
Hannah's North Country
Har Times and Master Henry's clock
Hard Times
Hard Times
Hard Work
Harm Done
HARPER Howard: Between Language and Silence: The Novels of Virginia Woolf
Have the Men had Enough
Hazell and the Menacing Jester
He Said She Said
Heading out to Beautiful
Hear us O Lord from Heaven
Heart of Darkness
Heat Wave
Hedda Gabler and The Master Builder and John Gabriel Borkman
Hegemony or Survival
Hell Purgatory Paradise
Hell's Gate
Henderson the Rain King
Henry IV part I
Her Heart's Desire
Hercule Poirot's Christmas
Hereward the Wake
Hester Lilly
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hidden Lives
High Fidelity
High Society
High Table
Hindoo Holiday
His Last Bow
His life and cases
Hold Tight
Hollywood Station
Holy Fools
Homage to Catalonia
Home Before Midnight
Home Land
Home school
Home Truths
Hons and Rebels
Hooking Up
Hornet's Nest
Hotel du Lac
House Made of Dawn
How Far Can We Go
How Late it was, how Late
How To be an Alien
How to be Decadent
How To Be Good
How to Scrape Skies
How to Unite Nations
Howard's end
Huckleberry Finn
Human Bondage and study
Human Traces
Human Voices
Humphry Clinker
Hungry as the Sea
Hunting Unicorns
Hurry on down
I am the only one to run footman
I Can't Stay Long
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
I Like it Here
I Lock My Door Upon Myself
I never promised you a rose garden
I Sent a Letter to my Love
I Will fear No Evil
I'll Be Seeing You
I'll Take Manhattan
I'm the King of the Castle
If A Stranger Approaches You
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
If They Could Talk
If Tomorrow Comes
In a Summer Season
In Bluebeard's castle
In chancery
In Cold Blood
In Cold Domain
In high places
In memoriam
In Other Worlds
In Patagonia
In Spite of Thunder
In the heart of the heart of the country
In the Lake Of The Mooon
In the Last Analysis
In The Name of the Rose
In the Time of the Butterflies
In White America
Incidents in the rue Laugier
Injury Time
Innocent Blood
Innocent Bystander
Inside the Whale
Interest of Justice
Internal affairs
Into the Forest
Invisible Love
Invisible Man
Invitation to the Waltz
Iphigenie en Tauride
Irish Myths and Legends
Ishrael, connais ton Dieu
It Can't Happen Here
It Won't Get you Anywhere
It's an Old Country
Ivanohe extraits
Jackson's Dilemma
Jackson's Dilemma
Jacob's Room
Jamaica Inn
Jane and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
Jaws volume one
Jaws volume two
Jerusalem the Golem
John Bayley's Iris
John Citizen and the Law
Johnny I Hardkly Knew You
Jonathan Wild
Joseph Andrews
Joseph Andrews - Shamela
Juan in America
Jude the obscure
Judgment Day
Jumping the Queue
Juno and three plays
Just Stories
Kane and Abel
Kane and Abel
Kill the Toff
Kilo Class
Kind of Cruel
King Lear plus study
Kingsblood Royal
Kiss and Kin
Kiss Kiss
Knock Down
Kowloon Tong
L'empreinte de dieu
L'extra terrestre de mon coeur
La Boite Noire
la création romanesque de Walter Scott et de Jane Austen
La Nuit des Rois
La Reine des Lectrices
La Reine Victoria
La Solitude Du Coureur de Fond
La Tectonique des Sentiments
La Tragedie du Roi Lear
La Tragedie du Roi Richard III
Ladder of Years
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Susan / The Watsons / Sanditon.
Lady's Maid
Lake Wobegon Days
Landscape and Silence
Langhorne (Mark Twain) Pudd n head Wilson
Language and silence
Last Car to Elysian Fields
Last frontier
Last Night
Last orders
Last Waltz in Vienna
Laughing Gas
Laughter in the Dark
LAURENCE Patricia Ondek: The reading of Silence: Virginia Woolf in the English Tradition
Le Critique
Le Grand Meaulnes
Le Grand Meaulnes
Le Miroir Aux Espions
Le Morte d'Arthur two volumes
Le Parc Jurassique
Le Proche et le Lointain
Le sens du sens
Lean Men
Learning to Swim and orther Stories
Leaves of Grass
Lecture on the English comic writer
Lectures on Literature
Lempiere's Dictionary
Les Chemins de Feu
Les Dix Enfants que Mme Ming n'a jamais eu
Les Etats-Unis de Mark Twain
Les Pages de notre Amour
Les Sorcieres d'Eastwick
Less is more
Lessons of the masters
Let it Come Down
Let Us Dream
Letter to Sister Benedicta
Letters and Journals
Letters from the Underworld and The gentle maiden and The Landlady
Letters to Alice
Letting Go
Lewis Percy
Lie Down in Darkness and study
Lies of Silence
Life and Times of Michael K
Life at the Top
Life Before Man
Life Force
Life of Pi
Life Support
Light in August
Light Years
Lime Street at 2
Little Big Man
Little children
Little Dorritt
Liverpool Miss
Livia Joules
Lizard in the cup
London Journal
London The Biography
Lone Traveller
Look at Me
Look Back in Anger
Loon Lake
Lord Arthur Saville's Crime and other stories
Lord Jim
Lord the flies
Lorna Doone
Loser Takes All
Lost in translation
Love Among the Haystacks
Love and Summer
Love in a Cold Climate
Love In Idleness
Love Lives
Love Medicine
Love on the Dole
Love over Scotland
Love story
Loves Music Loves to Dance
Loving and Giving
Lucia Vitrix
Lucky Jim
Lunar Park
Lyrical Ballads (with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
Made in America
Maggie, a Girl of the Street
Maid in Waiting
Main Street
Maisie Dobbs
Malone Dies
Man and Boy
Man and Writer
Man in Black
Man of Destiny
Man On Fire
Man, woman and child
Mansfield Park (critical ed.)
Mansfield Park
Many Fairy Tales
Many Inventions
Marathon Man
March Violets
Marius the Epicurean
Mark a study
Marriage Games
Marry Me
Martha Quest
Martin Chuzzlewit
Mary Barton
Masculine Protest & Stories
Master And Man
Mate in Three
Mc Teague
McAuslan in the Rough
Me: Stories of My Life
Meet Inspector Banks
Melmoth the Wanderer
Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man
Memoirs of a Mangy Lover
Memoirs of a Midget
Memoirs of an Invisible Man
Memories of Midnight
Memory Room
Men and Women
Men and Women and other poems
Men, women and children
Middlemarch and studies
Midnight All Day
Midnight All Day
Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
Midnight children
Midnight Jewels
Mind of Winter
Miss Garnett's angels
Miss Shumway Waves a Wand
Miss Smilla's feeling for snow
Mission Canyon
Mister Johnson
Moby Dick
Moby Dick
Moll Flanders
Mon grain de sable
Monty: his part in my victory
Moon Palace
Moon Tiger
Morality for Beautiful Girls
More Die of Heartbreak
More Pricks than Kicks
Mornings in Mexico
Mornings in Mexico and Estrucan Places
Mortal mischief
Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories
Mother Can you Hear Me?
Mother Ireland
Mourning Becomes Electra
Mr Campion's Falcon
Mr Golightly's Holiday
Mr Parker Pryne Detective
Mr Perrin and Mr Traill
Mr Weston's Good Wine
Mrs Dalloway
Mrs Harris goes to New York
Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont
Mrs Reinhardt and Other Stories
Mrs Stone and the Knights Companion
Much ado about nothing
Murder Artist
Murder in Mesopotamia
Murder in the cathedral
Murder in the dark
Murder on the Orient Express
My Apprenticeship
My Autobiography
My Brother Michael
My brother's Keeper
My Country Right or Left
My Cousin Rachel
My Father and Myself
My Life As a Man
My name is Aram
My Night with Reg
My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories
My Other Life
My Story
My unwritten books
Myra Breckinridge
Mystery Annual
Mystery Magazine
National Velvet
Native Son
Native Tongue
Neither Here nor There
Never Kill a Client
Never Let me Go
New Essays
New Grub Street
Nice Work
Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby
Nick the Click
Nick's Trip
Night and Day
Night over Water
Night School
Night Train
Night Wing
Nine Stories
No Comebacks
No Fond Return of Love
No Name in the Street
No night is too long
No Orchids For Miss Blandish
No passion spent
No Talking After Lights
No Time Like The Past
Noah's Child
Noblesse Oblige
Nora a Biography
North and South
Northanger Abbey
Northern Lights
Not After Tonight
Not That Sort Of Girl
Not the End of the Worl
Not to Disturb
Notes For a Big Country
Notes from a Big Country
Notes from a Small Island
Notes from an exhibition
Notes of a Native Son
Notes towards the definition of culture
Nothing Lasts Forever
Nothing like the Sun
Nothing Sacred
Notting Hell
Novel Notes
Now to My Mother
Number 10
Number 11
Nuns and Soldiers
O'Henry's New York
October Ferry to Gabriola
Of mice and men + Cannery Row
Of the farm
Old mortality
Omens of Millennium
Omnibus volumes 1 and 5
On Beauty
On Chesil Beach
On Chesil Beach
On difficulty and other essays
On Green Dolphin Street
On Gun selection
On Heroes and Hero Worship and Sartor Resartus
On the Art of Writing
On the Road
On the Road
On the Yankee Station
On Wings of Eagles
One Day
One Fat Englishman
One Hundred Years of Solitude
One Man's Bible
One Pair of Feet
One Pair of Hands
One Two Buckle My Shoe
Onions in the Stew
Only When I Larf
Operation Pax
Operation Shylock
Orangese Are Not The Only Fruit
Ordinary Families
Original Sin
Oscar and Lucinda
Oscar and the Lady in Pink
Other People's Children
Other People's Marriages
Our gang
Our Man in Havana
Our Mutual Friend
Out of the Picture
Out of the Shelter
Out of this world
Over My Dead Body
Over the Edge
Over the High Passes
Oxbridge Blues
Pack of Cards
Pages from Coldpoint and other stories
Pamela, volume 2 / volumes 1 and 2
Pandora's Box
Paradise Lost and critical studies
Paradise News
Parts Unknown
Passenger to Frankfurt
Passing On
Pavilion of Women
Peacok Pie
Peeping Tom
Peer Gynt
Pennang Appointment
People who knock at the door
Perfect Happiness
Peter Simple
Pickwick Papers
Picture Palace
Pictures of Fidelman
Pigeon Pie
Pincher Martin
Piranha to Scurfy
Plain Tales from the Hills
Play it as it Lays
Playboy of the western world
Player Piano
Playing for the Ashes
Playing in the Dark
Playing with cobras
Plays 1
Plays and Poems
Plays and Stories
Plays Prose Poems
Plays volume 1 and 2
Plum Island
Poems (+ Monarch notes)
Poems 1934 1952
Poems and Essays
Poems and Prose
Poems and shorter writings
Poesies 2 volumes
Poesies volume un et deux
Poetic Justice
Poetical Works
Poetry and Prose
Point Blanc
Point Counter Point
Points of View (a selection of provocative prose)
Poirot Investigates
Polaris and other stories
Poor Folk and The Gambler
Poor Folk and The Gambler
Port Mortuary
Porterhouse Blue
Portnoy's Complaint
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Marriage
Portrait of an Artist as a young boy
Portrait of the artist as a young dog
Post Mortem
Prep School
Pride and Prejudice
Professional Foul
Profiles in Courage
Prometheus Unbound
Promise Me
Proofs and 3 parables
Proud Mary
Proust among the Stars
Pudd'nhead Wilson
Put Out More Flags
Que l'ange regarde de ce coté
Queer Street 1
Queer Street 2
Quest for Fire
Quitter le Monde
Rabbit boss
Rabbit, run
Rage of Angels
Rainbow Island
Raise high the roof beam
Rat Man of Paris
Reading G. Steiner
Real presences
Rebel Hearts
Recalled to Life
Red Mandarin Dress
Reflections on the Name of the Rose
Regent Square
Remedy is None
Remember Me
Requiem for a nun
Restoration Plays
Restoration plays : Dryden and Congreve
Restoration plays Dryden, Wycherley, Vanburgh, Congreve
Resurrection Men
Riceyman Steps
Richard II plus two studies
Riders in the Chariot
Ripley 's game
Ripley underground
Rites of passage
Rob Roy
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe
Roderick Hudson
Roderick Random
Romeo and Juliet
Room at the Top
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Rosencrantz and Guilderstein Are Dead
Rosie Meadows Regrets
Roundabout Papers
Ruling Passion
Ruling Passion
Rupee of Hentzau
Russian Hide and Seek
Sad Cypress
Saint Jack
Saint's Progress
Saint's Progress
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Sartor Resartus.
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Second Foundation
Second skin
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Selected letters
Selected Letters
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Selected plays (with Webster)
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Selected poems
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Selected poems
Selected Poems and Letters
Selected Poetry and Prose
Selected Prose
Selected prose
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Selected Short Stories
Selected Stories
Selected Stories of Thomas Hardy
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Seven red Sundays
Sex and the social order
Shadow Line
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Shakespeare's tragedies: an Anthology of Modern criticism
She Stoops to Conquer
Shipping News
Shock Treatment
Short Cuts
Short Stories
Short stories
Short Stories
Short Stories
Short Stories (bilingues)
Short Stories vols 1-2
Short Stories volume 1 and 2
Short Stories volumes 1 2 3 and 4
Shout at the Devil
Shroud for a Nightingale
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Silent Partner
Silent Treatment
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Single and Single
Sinister Street
Sir Isumbras at the Ford
Sir Nigel
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Sixty Million Frenchmen can't be wrong
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Sleep Toward Heaven
Slowly, slowly in the wind
Small World
Smith of Wooton major and Farmer Giles of Ham
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Solomon my son
Some Tame Gazelle
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Sweet Thames
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Tandis que j'agonise
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Tender is the night
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That They May Face the Rising
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
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The Big Blind
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The Black Tower
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The boy who followed Ripley
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The Brass Verdict
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The British Museum is Falling Down
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The Castle of Otranto
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The Catcher in the Rye
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The centaur
The Centaur
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The Children of the Men
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The Chinese Lake Murder
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The City and the Pillar
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The Closers
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The Cocktail Party
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The collector
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The Complete Poems
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The Crack - up
The Crescent Moon
The Cricklewood Diet
The Crown of Life
The Crucible
The Cruise of the Vanadis
The Crush
the Cry of the Owl
The Crying Lot 49
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightdress
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The Danger
The Dark Arena
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The day the Rabbi Resigned
The Day the Rabbi Resigned
The death of a Joyce Scholar
The Death of Humpty Dumpty
The death of the tragedy
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The Devastating Boys
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The Devil Wears Prada
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The Diary of Jane Somers
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The Donkey's Ear
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The Eye of The Tiger
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The Fact of a Door frame
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The Falls
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The Finishing Stroke
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The Floating Opera
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The French Deal
The French Lieutenant's woman
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The Gang that couldn't Shoot Straight
The Garden of Eden
The Garden of the Villa Mollini
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The Girl at the Lion d'Or
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The Girl on the Train
The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo
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The Heart of the Country
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The Horse's Mouth
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The House with the green shutters
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The Human Croquet
The Human Factor
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The Ice Girl
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The Innocent
The Innocent
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The Invention of Solitude
The Invention of Solitude
The Island of the day before
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The J.M.Barrie Ladies' Swimming Society
The J.M.Barrie Ladies' Swimming Society
The James Joyce Murder
the Jewel in the Crown
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The Journal of a Tour of the Hebrides
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The Judas Tree
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The Making of a President 1964
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The Man of Mode voir Dryden: Restoration plays
The man of property
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The Players come again
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The Princess Casamissima
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The Provok'd Wife voir Dryden: Restoration Plays
The provoked wife
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The Prussian Officer
The Public Image
The Pump House Gang
The Pursuit of Love
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The queen and I
The question of Hamlet
The Question of Max
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The Red room
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The Road to Gandolfo
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The Salzburg Connection
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The Search of E Brandt
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The Second Jungle Book
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The Secret Garden
The secret of Shakespeare
The Secret Son
The Secret That Was Kept
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The Senseof an Ending
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The Shadows in the Street
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The Short Dying Day
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The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon
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The Sonnets
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the Spire
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The Stone Diaries
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The Story of my Life
The story of the night
The Strange Story of Lucy Gault
The Street Lawyer
The Subtle Knife
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The summer he didn't die
The Summer of the Bear
The Summing Up
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The Sweetshop Owner
The swimming pool library
The Takeover
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The Talisman + study
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The Temptation of Eileen Hugues
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The Tenants
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The Third Man
The Third Twin
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The Time of Their Lives
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THe Tortilla Curtain
The Touch of Innocents
The Tower of London
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The Trouble with Goats and Sheep
The Turn of the Screw
The Two of Us
The Two of Us
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Uncollected Oscar Wilde
The Underdog and other stories
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The Unicorn
The Unicorn
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
The Untilled Field
The Untitled Field
The Use of Tradition
The Vacillations of Poppy Garew
The Valley of Fear
The Vampyre (the story of Byron)
The vicar of Wakefield
The Victim
The village by the sea
The Vintner's Luck
The violent effigy (a study)
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The Virgin in the Garden
The Virginians
The Voyage out
The walking stick
The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts
The War of the Worlds
The warden
The Water is Wide
The Water Method Man
The waterfall
The Watersplah
The Waves (edition française)
The Way I Found Her
The Way of All Flesh
The Way of the World voir Dryden: Restoration plays
The wayward bus
The Wedding
The wedding group
The Wesker Trilogy
The Western Land
The white hotel
The White Lioness
The White Russian
The white witch
The wild palms
The Wild Palms
The Wilt Alternative
The wind in the willows
The Wind Singer
The Winter's Tale
The Witch of Exmoor
The Woman in Black
The Woman in cabin 10
The Woman in White
The Woman who Rode Away
The Woman Who Rode Away and other stories
The woman who walked into doors
The Woman With The Bouquet
The Women of Andros
The Wood Beyond
The Woodlanders
The Woods
The Works
The World's Strangest Stories
The Wrong Set and other stories
The Years With Ross
The Young Visitors
Theatre et societe : Shakespeare
Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy
Then We Came to the End
They Came to Baghdad
They Do it with Mirrors
Thin Ice
Things My Girlfriend And I Have Argued About
Third Girl
This is for Real
This Must Be the Place
This Side of Paradise
This sporting life
Those who walk away
Three Knocks at the Door
Three Men in a Boat
Three Novellas
Three short novels
Three Soldiers
Three to get deadly
Three Wishes
Three Women In A Mirror
Thy Dwelling Place and Lunar Caustic
Tiger by the Tail
Time's Arrow
Tinker sailor Soldier spy
Tirant Lo Blanc
Tis pity she's a whore
To Forget Palermo
To Jerusalem and Back
To Kill a Mocking Bird
To let
To Love and Be Wise
To the Lighthouse
To the Lighthouse (+ 3 critical studies)
To Wake the Deadf
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
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Tom Sawyer
Tooth and Nail
Tortilla flat
Towards Zero
Trafalgar My Tailor is Crazy
Tragic Ground and Trouble in July
Trains and Buttered Toast
Transparent Things
Travels in the Scriptorium
Travels with a donkey in the Cévennes
Travels with Charly
Travels with my Aunt
Treasure Island
Trial run
Triumph for Inspector West
Troilus and Cressida
Troilus and Criseyde
Tropique du Capricorne
Trying to Save Piggy Sneed
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
Twelfth Night
Twentiethh Century Music
Twenty Five
Twenty Years A Growing
Twenty-one stories
Tweve Years As A Slave
Twice Shy
Twice-told tales
Twilight in Italy
Two Evils
Two for the Dough
Two lives
Two Sisters
Two Stories
Two Years Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights
Ulysses (English)
Ulysses (French)
Un Jeune Prof à New York
Uncle Bernac
Uncle Rudolf
Uncle Tom's Children
Under milkwood
Under The Eye of the Clock
Under the Greenwood tree
Under the Greenwood Tree
Under the Nest
Under the Volcano
Unfinished Business
Unknown Mission
Unnatural Exposure
Untold stories
Up the Down Staircase
Up the Junction
Vanity fair
Vendetta Lucky's Revenge
Vengeance is Ours
Vengeance is Ours
Venice Preerv'd voir Dryden: Restoration Plays
Veronica Decides to Die
Verses (a choice by TS Eliot)
Vienna Blood
Vile Bodies
Violent Death of a Bitter Englishwoman
Voices in the Silence
Volpone and study
Waiting for Godot
Waiting for the Barbarians
Walton's Delight
Wars Danger
Washington Square
Watching the English
Water Music
We of the never-never + The Little Black Princess
We think the world of you
What Am I Doing Here?
What is comparative literature
What Maisy knew
What makes Sammy run
When She Was Good
When the Tree Flowered
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill
Where the Rivers Meet
While My Pretty Ones Sleeps
While Rome burns
While the Billy Boils and The Loaded Dog and other stories
Whisky Galore
White teeth
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Wide Sargasso Sea plus reader's guide
Wild Fang
Wild Fire
Wild Justice
Wilful Behavior
Win Place or Show
Winds of the Day
Wings of the Dove
Winter in July
Wise Children
Wish you well
Witness for Prosecution
Wolf Solent
Women and Lovers
Women in Love and study
Women of our Century
Work suspended
Working Wonders
World Without End
World's End
Writing Home
Written on the Body
Wuthering Height Penguin Notes
Wuthering Heights
Yellow Dog
You Can't Do Both
You Find Him I'll Fix Him
You Never Can Tell
Zee & Coe
Zuleika Dobson
The Sandcastle
1 disponible(s)
The Sea The Sea
1 disponible(s)
The Time of the Angels
1 disponible(s)
The Unicorn
3 disponible(s)
The Unicorn
1 disponible(s)
Under the Nest
1 disponible(s)
Lone Traveller
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